Copyright © Streaminmedia Corporation 2016
Why Time Capsule?
All of the major resource problems for humanity in the 21st
century – energy, population, and climate change – are
global problems that require global solutions. At the same
time, the global political stage, even more than the domestic
political stage in America, is impotent and incapable of
proactively addressing these problems. And it is so, in part,
because we, as citizens of a global society, don’t share a
common understanding of what the universe is, how the
Earth and humans on it evolved, under what conditions, in
what time frame, how unlikely it is that those conditions
should ever have existed in the first place, and how fragile
and easy it is and will be to ensure our own demise.
Time Capsule is not going to solve the world’s problems or
resolve global conflict. But one of its goals and purposes is
to tell the story of Earth and man in the universe in a way
that is as true as possible to the best scientific evidence of
the day. It is a thesis of Time Capsule that a common
understanding of what the Earth is, what we are, and what
the history of our role and impact on Earth has been to date
will contribute to a shared appreciation for the most unique
planet in our solar system... and the only home we have and
have ever known.
Time Capsule, Light, Science and the Era of
Man is a science-based educational
documentary that provides a framework for
consideration of current social and political
issues in the context of scientific discoveries
from ancient Egypt to the present day.
Reference and background materials for study
and additional reading are available with
licensing to educational institutions.